One thing for sure, the leaves do look different from the ones my Mom gave me to use for the rendang. The leaves she supplied me were at least 5x bigger and longer than what we are growing now. It makes me wonder if they should be getting bigger and how much more can they grow? Or if this is of a different variety altogether?
Only time will tell...
Wow it grew so fast. How's the rubber plant? ;)
eh..rubber plant back at CCK with my mom! :D Didn't bring it back to BKK to for fear of stoopid hassles.
Ann, the plant is the same. It depends where u plant it and how old is the plant, Inside the pot the leaves will be a bit smaller, its ok I prefer that as the fragrance is nicer annd the big ones that I gave it to you the fragrance is not good me...but if no choice then have to used.
Hi Vicky...out of the 2 rubber plant I took the small one its growing very well. Have not transfer it to the bigger pot anyway.The big rubber plant gave it to my sister coz she have better green hands and the plants growing bigger not in the pot but on the soil ground.
Let's hope my rendang will taste better with these smaller-lookign leaves! :D
Mom - why in the soil on the ground? She trying to grow rubber tree? :p
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