What a read this was! What.A.Read!

It has taken me long enough to finish this book. I dare say more than 5 months and that is a tad unusual of a time-frame for me when it comes to reading. But then again, that was entirely my own fault because I kept pausing for a period of more than one week at a time. Usually though, I’d manage to continue and remember the story from where I left off, even if it’s after more than 2 weeks. But this book deluded me. When I started again, I realised I got all confused and had to start all over again. Not only confused, I even forget who is what and what is whom…there were just too many characters to follow. I find that if I slacked, I tend to lose the gist of it all. Subsequently, whenever I picked it up again (usually several weeks later), I had to re-read and go back at least 30-50 pages which I had read from the previous session. For the life of me, this is just one book so far where I can’t figure out why I could not do a continuous reading within a few seatings. For some reason, while reading this contemporary mythical fantasy fiction, I got distracted by my own imagination that’s within the realm of this mythical fantasy story itself. It’s like a dream within a dream. It was just bizarre. Not only I had to consciously keep up with the characters that kept popping in and out, I also had to deal with the stuff that’s going on in my head at the same time. It felt surreal. It did get to a point where I thought the story became a little nutso, but then again, it’s a fantasy fiction and there’s something about this book and the way it was written which intrigued me.
I usually refrain from reading fantasy books, but this book is different. It’s nothing like I have read and I thoroughly enjoyed this. I would definitely read it again; although, the next time I start on this, I’ll be sure to read with utmost concentration and refrain from too long a pause in between readings.
Now I can finally return this book back to its rightful owner .
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