Monday, March 1, 2010

Cuteness overload

While I'm always happy to get out of Bangkok whenever we have the chance to, I am also equally happy to go back to our little apartment after that few days away from home. It is always nice to get back to our own bed, our own bathroom and most of all, going home to the cats. I am always wondering how they are doing and always eager to see them at the end of each trip. At the same time, I can't help wondering if they haven't kill each other yet while we are away.

They can be such a handful, those darn little furries whenever we are around, but I miss them all the same when we leave them at home.

And tell me this isn't cuteness overload!


Kim said...

She is simply asking to be snuggled! =D

The Sleeping Dragon said...

She doesn't ask...she just worms her way in and burrow herself in between! She DEMANDS it. :D

Kim said...

Based on these 2 pics, I'd be tempted to catnap her the next time I visit! :D