Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sugar Rush

The state of my desk, post my newest addiction to soft chocolate toffees...

That was easily a cluster of 10 toffee wrappers all gobbled up within 5 minutes or so. I blame my colleague for introducing me to these evil stuff. So evil that I ended up finishing most of his toffees and eventually feeling guilty about stealing his candies that I ended up replacing his, as well as buying a whole packet for myself.

I realised what a state my desk was in after I came out of my sugar high, that I just had to take a picture of it. I have been such a mess these days...!


Ayyappan said...

Careful with the sweets, or soon you might have to mount the treadmill.. like me..!! :x :D :D

The Sleeping Dragon said...

haa haa! i think i'm getting there ..but my logic would be that i exercise to eat! :p