Friday, July 16, 2010

Chicken Nibblets

Don't really know what got into me, but suddenly the thought of deep fried garlic and salted chicken nibblets  floating in my head sounds too good to resist. It started out from a harmless intention to make some deep fried chicken wings which I refrained, as it seemed too tedious to make from scratch on a Friday evening.

So, with an end goal of some simple nibbles in mind, I scoured the net for some deep fried garlic chicken recipe that don't require too much effort or time. I found a few interesting ones, but decided to improvise on the recipe there and then. You gotta trust me that these are really so, so good for when you have the munchies:

  • 3 pieces chicken breast
  • 6 cloves of garlic,  pressed
  • Sprigs of curry leaves, crushed
  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tspn tumeric powder
  • 2 tbsp Italian basil
  • ½ tbsp ground black pepper
  • ½ tbsp white pepper
  • 1 tspn salt to taste
  • Rice flour
  • Some oil for frying

  1. Slice the chicken breast to bite-sized pieces
  2. Combine all the spices (except rice flour at this point)  into a bowl and mix well
  3. Add in the chicken pieces into the mixed spices and set aside for about half an hour to marinate
  4. Heat up some oil when ready to fry.
  5. Separately prepare the rice flour and dip in the marinated chicken (rice flour makes it crispy) 
  6. Make sure that the pan is super hot and fry the chicken pieces till golden brown and drain excess oil.
  7. Sprinkle more salt if you wish
These nibblets are certainly good enough to be eaten on its own. However, being the typical Asian who just cannot live without chillies, these savouries definitely taste better when dipped in some chili sauce.

Just a word of warning though: These chicken nibblets are quite addictive! Proceed with caution.


Ros said...

*drool* it's a mistake to be reading about FOOD @ such hour... NOW i need to make some Milo...

Kim said...

Y-O-U A-R-E E-V-I-L...

In SG it is already so difficult to keep to a proper diet with so much bleeding good food and new joints mushrooming around the island every day.

Each time I see your blog, you gotta start me on a craving! =D

They DO look darn delicious!

The Sleeping Dragon said...

@ Ros:
awesome for midnight snacks too! goes well with yr chocolatey drink! ;)

The Sleeping Dragon said...

@ Kim:
yr blessed with a lot of good food in S'pore, babes.i miss them so very much. Every time u pop something in your outh, remember ur also eating for me!heeeheeh :D

these chicken nibblets, however, would for now be authentic to this HH here in BKK...just like 'em bitterballen. ;p