Sunday, July 25, 2010


If you have been watching AXN, Nat Geo or Discovery Channel often enough in the last few months, you'll probably notice the high frequency of Colgate ads aired on these channels.

There have been several versions of a pseudo dentist in white lab coat going around places (by the looks of it, the background seemed to be somewhere in KL or Singapore) asking people on the street to check for bacteria in their mouth. There was also a version of applying the toothpaste directly on any sensitive teeth or the gargling of mouthwash while dancing or something silly like that. All of those ads of course, brainlessly ended with all-so-gullible "consumers" telling the entire world that they now believe in the product so whole-heartedly and became an instant convert to Colgate. Their expressions, could not have been more rehearsed and fake.

All of the ad versions are terribly, terribly annoying. They are in my opinion, done in a bad taste and are an insult to the intelligence of consumers.The extremely high frequency of these ads on these channels made the ad exposure extremely unbearable as well. So much so that these Colgate ads annoyed the crap out of me and is the sole reason as to why we switch channels almost immediately every time we see the ads.

Silver Bullet went a bit further than just flipping the channel and cursing at the ads every time he caught the first 2 seconds of it. He has already decided to boycott all of Colgate's product and refuse to have any of them at home. Talk about turning off an irate consumer there!

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