Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Affection overload

The cats have all been extra loving today. All.Three.Cats.

They all took turns almost every half an hour to check up on me this morning. One by one, each came to me to snuggle and say hi. After a while, Fudge found a gap in between my pillow and me, and in her usual repertoire, parked her ass to my face, purring away as she napped. Somehow, the other 2 cats don't seem to mind she was in the way and continued to vie for my attention.

When I finally got out of bed, they made sure they were close to me, watching me like a hawk. It did not seem like they want food (their food bowls were full) or want their litter clean (litter still fresh). Yet, I'm being followed everywhere I go with Donut squeaking, Fudge howling and Andy wailing away in the distance  (that usually means she found a toy and she wants you to know and come to her!).

I feel so loved today. Is there such a thing as affection overload? :D

1 comment:

Kim said...

Its never quite enough is it? ;)

I presume Andy has been going: Wah-wah-wah
