Monday, May 3, 2010

A Weekend Detour

The last weekend just happened to be one of those days where a detour seemed unavoidable. A detour that just had to be done, or suffer a much dire consequences sorta thing. A much needed, albeit impromptu detour in the midst of a busy, busy weekend where there were tons of errands to do and really, was the last thing I'd need to eat up into my weekend meant for other things.

Yet, if I hadn't done the detour, I could not focus on anything else. Because it happened right there and then. It happened while I was happily chomping away on bits and pieces of dried beef slices after I finished my lunch. And without a warning, I bit on something hard which unfortunately was a part of the beef slices and it broke my tooth. Believe it or not, those darn beef slices actually managed to break a part of my molar!

When it happened, I thought it was the hard thing got stuck in between my molar, but it did not feel normal as I tried to take it out. I then suspected that I might have, unwittingly cracked my tooth. I cursed myself for snacking on those beef slices after I had finished my main dish. I really should not have done that and I was convinced that if I hadn't, I sure as hell would not have landed myself in such a situation. I was really pissed off at ME.

Trying to play it cool like it's okay did not work out after that. It felt funny when you can feel a little something jutting out of one of your molars, and then it started to feel rather sensitive in less than half an hour. It was a mood killer and Silver Bullet could sense that I was in a really foul mood. I immediately called my dentist to schedule for an emergency consultation. I ended up spending a long one and half-hours in the dentist chair right after that.

Not only was my molar broken, he also discovered that I actually had a cavity underneath the broken molar which was apparently rather deep into the gum. I had to have an injection before he can work on it and it must be some tedious work as he took a darn long time before he was done with me - filling and all! In the end, it seemed like it was just a time-bomb waiting for a trigger; and it had to happen sooner or later.

He showed me the bit where it had broken off and he allowed me to keep it. He must be thinking what a nut I am to want to keep a piece of my tooth. I know, I know. I know it does look kinda disgusting, but you have to understand that I am quite attached to my half a centimeter  piece of molar that has helped me chew my food for several decades now. That's quite a piece of me that was broken off, you know!

As inconvenient as it may be, I must say, I'm only glad that Bangkok is a place where I don't need to wait at all to get an appointment to see a dentist to get my teeth fix almost immediately. And all for a cool price tag of less than 3000 baht, too! For things like this,I would absolutely hate to wait around or delay the treatment, for I do not want another root canal done on me again. Ever!


Vicky said...

Hey sama sama happened to me. My filling came out while eating fish yesterday! Have to go and see dentist today or tmrw. Still looking for a good one. Now got 2 big holes to fill!

Was yours just filling, root canal or crown?

Luckily not during 1st trimester :(

The Sleeping Dragon said...

from eating fish? how hard in texture is your fish meat? or was your filling just lousy? I hate it when such things happen...:(

thank god it's only just filling. but loads of filling. no need for crown just yet.although I suspect if this comes out, I'm in for a hard time. I don't even wanna think about root canal! :/