Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bangkok Lockdown

The whistle has been blown and the kick-off has started right about a couple of hours ago.

At about after lunch today, we got an email from HR that the office building will be closed for business at 5pm. They expected a major crack-down with live bullets, as they started closing the roads and urging the locals to stay away from the area. Given that I have a deadline due, I wasn't too happy about the disruption and the delay  it will cause to my work.

Actually, Silver Bullet started "harassing" me since he heard about it in the late morning today and had rushed home himself . When he told me about it, I was still blasé, thinking that it was one of those empty threats. Besides, none of my Thai colleagues were taking the warnings too seriously. But in the end, it seems like it was not the case. In the end, we were basically chased out of the of the office. Then it was my turn to chase my staff out and told them to go home.

As I walked out of the office, there were a lot of tension in the air. Traffic was in a gridlock as people try to get their asses out of the area. Soldiers started preparing their ammo right outside my office and as I walked on, I saw more of them. All of them armed.

To honest, I don't really feel safe or comfortable being outside. Getting a taxi home was out of the question, considering the circumstances and I was glad that when I called Silver Bullet, he already made his way towards my office to come retrieve me!

What a day! I wonder how long we will be cooped up at home. Times like this, I wish we have access to Channel News Asia

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