Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I don't remember the last time I had a curfew imposed on me. I reckon, it must have been ages ago when I was still a delinquent teenager, when I just D.R.E.A.D the word CURFEW! Yet, this time, it felt like a great relieve that the government finally imposed a curfew in Bangkok from 8 pm onwards today as they set out  to "clean up" the city. That means, pretty much every thing else is game as a live target if you are out and about after the stipulated time.

At about half an hour to curfew, the city became eerily quiet again. As we continue to scour  for update news with the TV in the background, shuttling between BBC, CNN and Channel Newsasia, I could feel my hair stood on ends as I saw pictures after pictures of Central World which, at the current time of posting, is currently burning to the ground.

At this stage, I can't help but feel a sense of relief that we are rather far from the main area. Central World is too close to our apartment and with the mayhem happening all around it, I'm not sure if I can keep my blood pressure down. It really is a sad, sad day. I'm just hoping that whoever is left at our apartment building managed to stay safe. That and all those soldiers positioned along our soi will do their utmost to guard the area with their lives and that our apartment will still be there when we come back for it.

Right this moment, I'm just feeling an incredible amount of fatique and exhaustion from the entire ordeal. Perhaps, I can sleep a little better tonight knowing that we (husband and cats) are all together with me in a safer place.

Snippet and pictures of the aflamed Central World:


Mom Josephine said...

We are so happy that you all are in a safer area. It's so frightening what we see and hear. Your company takes care of you very well. We appreciate that a lot.

The Sleeping Dragon said...

It's even more scary and stressful for us that it is all happening right in our backyard....