We were told that pretty much every road surrounding the area where we live will be sealed off; which meant that we won't be spared the inconvenience, as all exits from where our soi meets the main roads will no doubt be affected. That means, we will pretty much be like prisoners in our own home, with no real date of being "released".
Wondering how bad the extent of the road's accessibility (or in this case, the INaccessibility) will be, in case we need to make an exit if shit happens, we decided to take a walk to the end of our soi. Just so, we can get a feel of things. Walking halfway down towards the end of the soi, we literally stopped short in our tracks when we saw soldiers after solders emerging from a corner in a war-like stance as they moved towards us. I swear my heart started palpitating almost immediately!
Every one of them was armed, and within seconds, humvees and military trucks followed suit. Helicopters were seen circling around. It felt really intense, as if anything could happen at that very moment. I started getting jittery and thought that we should turn back! Silver Bullet had brought his camera gear along, and so took the opportunity to snap a few pictures, making ME feel extremely bothered and impatient. It felt like a very long wait! But! He does have a few nice pictures to boot.
We abandoned the thought of walking towards the end of the soi. At least for now, till it feels like it is easing out a little. Till then, we will be prisoners in our own home...
Here are some snapshots of the army marching right into our soi this afternoon:

Hahahkz the photos reminds me of my Army training in Thailand a couple of years back... Wakakaka! Cool Stuff!
If this drags on for days, how will you cope food wise (and other essentials as well)?
Any power and water cut?
Latest news here : 16 dead 141 injured
Luckily not near delivery time!
But do have a Plan B
@ Anonymous:
Except this is not army training, pretty much the real thing. Think u need a nick! :p
@ Vicky:
I think we are stocked up ok to last for at least a week. Water/electricity still intact. Otherwise, hoping the delivery for food is still on! :p
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