Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bangkok Lockdown Day 3

It really is looking like a royal mess in and around Bangkok's city centre at the moment, As I'm writing this, we can see thick black smokes across the horizon, engulfing the cloudy sky. The sights are accompanied by the echos of gunshots and explosions all around. It is getting pretty intense...a feeling I'm not too comfortable with at the moment.

Bangkok has been relatively safe...until now that is. In the last year or so, there have always been news on protesters, Black Songkran, the coup and such. Most often than not, it's like crying wolf, and so, when people asked us about it, we would just be shrugging our shoulders and treated it as another media hype (which was often true).  I have to say though, it really is not the case now. And, as compared to the numerous times Bangkok has been crying wolf, none was as intense as what is currently happening literally right in our backyard right now. Here's an article from expat residents who are currently living in apartments in the middle of this madness. I can imagine it must be quite scary for them.

Coming from a clinically clean and safe Singapore where one can walk on the streets at any time of the day without any fear, is something I haven't felt in the last few days here. Having to keep looking over my shoulders every time I take a step forward, worried sick of stray bullets and snipers whenever I leave the safety of apartment, leaves me feeling very uneasy and jittery. It really is something I have never felt before. I can't help but appreciate how the Singapore government would have never allowed such protests to happen at any rate! The iron fist-velvet glove ruling did work to the advantage of the people in keeping the nation's peace and harmony. It might not be too big a deal to some, but in times like this, safety and peace of mind could never be taken for granted.

At the moment, our peace of mind (sort of) is seeing these soldiers ensuring some security around our area, as seen from our balcony. I'm just hoping they are not the "trigger-happy" lot.

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