Saturday, May 15, 2010

Paths of Glory

It took me a while into the book to realise that it’s about a mountaineering expedition. It is purported to be a semi-historical novel. Well into the book, I then realised that it was inspired by a true story, and , so we all know how the story ends. Yeah…I’m THAT slow! :p

It really is a simple story line, but one that got me hooked from page to page. To me, it does not seem atypical of Jeffrey Archer’s - which, could explain why, apart from the fact that I was on vacation, it took me a while to realise what the heck I was actually reading.

The bit of synopsis from the back cover of the book of: But not until you've turned the last page of this extraordinary novel will you be able to decide if George Mallory should be added to a list of legends because, if he were, another name would have to be removed".  It is, indeed, a great topic to ponder, speculate and discuss about for a bit.

There really are no twists or turns in this so called thriller type of tale. It is in fact a rather well-told biographical adventure story. It is colourful and dramatic and well worth the read. To me, it is another bloody brilliant read from Mr Archer.

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