Sunday, January 3, 2010

NYE's Feast

A typical New Year's Eve for me would not be complete without a spread of good food and the company of good friends before we head out to town.

I cannot help myself but get busy in the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous feast (and to quote-unquote from Silver Bullet) --- enough "to feed the entire apartment for the week!"

The presentation of the food is really not flattering and left much to be desired, but I know that I  made a few people happy with the humble home-cooked meal consisting of Roast Turkey & Gravy, Spiced Vegetables, Nasi Minyak, Beef Rendang as well as the all-time favourite Ayam Masak Merah. They were scrumptious and nothing makes me happier than seeing people enjoying the food that I prepared and going for a few rounds of seconds! :D

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