Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I am All Deserving

Having built-up the excitement since we found out Green Day was coming to Bangkok from months ago, I can't help but felt a little dejected as the concert date came closer. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a case of changing my mind about going to the concert at all. Rather, it was because I felt like an overgrown teenager who somehow didn't grow up. Afterall, I started listening to Green Day more than 17 years ago when I was indeed an angsty teenager who got into music that was labelled as that for rebels...and STILL listening to them now. Truth be told, there are people my age who would not cut me some slack with a "What are you - an overgrown, posey teenager?!" bite-back, albeit mostly teasing, when they found out that I still listen to Green Day after all these years. *blush*

As I scanned the crowd of concert-goers at the event ground yesterday, I was plastered with relief when I saw plenty of people who are much, much older than me! Then it dawned on me that hey! Green Day was the music of MY era and those +/-5 to 10 years older/younger than me! There is absolutely nothing wrong that I am no longer a teenager and still enjoy such music event.

Still scanning the crowd, I had to smirk when I saw posey tweens and teenaged punk wannabes who probably thought thay they are the coolest and most fashionable kids on earth just by association of their attendance to a cool band's live performance. I smirked to myself once again when it dawned on me that even though I am no longer a teenager, I can at least afford to buy my own concert tickets, as opposed to these wannabe kids who are more likely to be using their parents' money to be able to attend such concerts. :p

Suddenly I felt better. Suddenly I felt all deserving. Suddenly it seems alright that yes, I am this much older.

One thing is for sure: I may no longer be a teenager, but I am sure as hell gonna enjoy my hard-earned cash with one of my favourite bands; a band I grew up with. Who is anyone to say anything and really, what the hell was I worried about initially?! :D

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