Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Quote of the day

"Generation X and Generation Y moms/housewives use the internet much, much less even when they are working and they tend to be not very technology savvy. Living in up-country, they don't have access to internet"
The above is in the context of Thailand obviously, a "matter-of-fact" statement made by a few individuals in the communication/marketing/research industry. I wonder which marketing academic did they graduate from or if they interview the right Gen Xs & Gen Ys. I can't help but roll my eyeballs in my head each time I hear things like that. Any attempt to refute their thinking will be met by a curved ball in my direction, attached with splinters!

Obviously, I am not native to this country, and probably don't know any better. However, against my better judgement and knowledge, most Gen X-ers and  Gen Y-ers who are essentially about my age by now, plus minus 5 years more or less, and in Thailand, DO have access to the internet ever so often regardless where they are. They may not be a tech-geek, but boy!oh!boy!, I'm sure they do know how to use Google Search, already  involved in social networking sites, chat via MSN, play online games and  read a blog or two. God forbid if they are bloggers themselves. These people grew up in the digital era, even accessing internet via mobile phone since they grew up with it. Not being technology savvy does not make them technology idiots. There may not be as many of them as compared to other neighbouring modernised cities, but their numbers are certainly not getting any lesser!

Wake up and smell the roses people. The internet is here to stay!

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