Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Nice try Tourist Coppers, but English please!

Massive crowds were forming as I walked thru the bridge adjoining Central World and the nearest BTS station on my way back to the office today. As I got closer to the crowd, this was what I noticed:

Apparently, some kind of awareness campaign for the Tourist Police in Bangkok was happening. The funny thing was, it was clear that the entire campaign was targeted at tourists. By tourists, I would think that these are the people who come to visit Thailand on a temporary basis to shop, sight-see and what nots. And by that, I believe >90% of the tourist here are likely to be non-Thai, and by that, they are rather unlikely to be speaking or understand Thai too

Yet, what do I hear while walking past the crowd? The key announcer with the microphone was actually rattling away in nothing but Thai. This, while campaigning for the T.O.U.R.I.S.T Police! Their logic defies me, really. Of course I could buffer for the fact that there’s a chance they could be targeting to non-Bangkok residents who happened to be Thais, who could easily be “tourists”, if that is their definition!

But again, logic tells me that it doesn’t quite make sense, especially if the victims of scams are usually the non-Thai tourists! I can’t help but laugh at the irony of it all. Nice try, but English for the 95% of non-Thai tourists (or residents for that matter) would really be helpful.

One quote that comes to mind:
"It is OK to let your mind go blank, but please turn off the sound"

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