Wednesday, May 13, 2009

When things go kaput

It has been 2 weeks since the coffee-maker went kaput. Strange that, considering the coffee-maker is less than a year old. The damn thing just decided to stop dispensing coffee and has to be sent for repairs. We are still waiting for some news on its progress.

And today, the fridge decided to give out. It started making some strange noises yesterday and the apartment was informed accordingly. Figured it would have been fixed by the time we got home, but this was not the case. The things in the freezer have started to thaw and we have plenty of meat to boot if the fridge doesn't work! We already have to start binning some of the food which were completely thawed out. Last thing we want is for the maggots to start breeding in the thawed meat. That would create such a mess, not to mention, requiring a huge effort on our part to clean it out. As a precaution, we had to knock on the neighbour's door and they readily agreed to keep some of the meat we managed to salvage. I guess it's a good reason to keep that neighbourly friendship.

No coffee-maker and no fridge. Things at home couldn't have been more interesting. No fridge means no stocking up of groceries and no groceries means no cooking. That's more of a bummer for me.

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