I only have fond memories of Kydd. She was there when I was burning midnight oil for all of my major examinations. She was right next to me when I was ill and she was there meowing away at whoever (mostly my Dad) was giving me a scolding for breaking my curfew. She also ate my homework; shredding my assigments into pieces - an excuse where no lecturers would have believed. She was obese at one point in time and had to go on a diet. She used to bring me half-alive birds such as sparrows and mynahs which she hunted down from the garden. She'd placed them underneath my bed, waking me up from my slumber, while the poor birds were still squeaking their lives away. She was also the first cat ever to have insulted me by giving a huge, loud sigh when I tried to pick her up and cuddle her! What a cat.
Kydd had succuumbed to a complete kydney failure at the age of 13 on 21st Jan 2004 at 1.30pm. She really was an old cat, and I believe that she pretty much led a very good life as our beloved house pet. Her memory lives on in our hearts.

Among the cats Kydd my favourites will never forget her... hehehe miss her .... When she get missing after a few days she always comes back but now...... only in our memories
one time she went missing for almost a month remember! came back in the middle of the night all dirty and being dyed red. :/ now she's in cat heaven! :)
HaHakZ...U DiDnT MenTiOn ThaT KyDd OrIgiNaLLy GoT Her NaMe FrOm a CaR PoLisHiNg WaX ThaT i SaW At ThE CaRpaRK CaLlEd kIt! HaHakZ!
could be actually! don't remember anymore...so long ago! :)
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