Silver Bullet gave up after several attempts in trying to help me flip it round like the prata man. He did the frying instead. My attempts were all unsuccessful of course, but I wasn't so bent in getting its round shape. I simply just wanted it to be thin and fluffy. That, in itself, was simply hard work. In the hands of a crazy, impatient novice like me, it is mission impossible. Flipping pratas, my friend, is a skill to an art form. I couldn't even keep the dough thin and fluffed up and it's not a skill I'm about to master. I was laughing at myself so hard at the end result, and really, I couldn't be bothered to put in more effort with the flipping. I think, it's best to leave it to the pros.
The only good thing is, my pratas are edible! With the home-made curry, it didn't taste half as bad (or as stone hard!) as I thought it would be. Still, I'm not letting myself go through that again. What the hell was I thinking? Think, I'll just buy it from the prata man next time. :)
You make an attempt to do it but I really laugh when reading and i can v isualize it that Silver Bullet reallywanted to be a prataman... hehehe really a joke. well to make prata not that easy must have patient and skill that means you have to try & try. Prata take a lot of time... Its a good try anyway and it edible as your curry looks good.
I'd better not give up my day job. I think I'll stick to photography instead...
good curry, no hurry...;D
Hmm... you are good photograper and we love to look at the photos. Sometimes my office colleagues will peep while I'm reading the blog.. Look at the photos above its soo cooling hopefully it will be in Singapore... dreams2
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