Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Resident Traitors

Cats can be such ingrates, I tell you. Finicky is really their middle name. It's amazing as to how they seem to quickly change their allegiance from their owners once there's a new person around the house. Even if it's for a couple of days.

Mars, a long time buddy of mine, came by for a visit and so, slept in the guest-room. Usually, the cats would come by to "say good night" to us when we get to bed. Most days, they'll accompany us almost throughout the night. Last night, there was no sign of them. They have conveniently plopped themselves in the guest room as soon as we got ready for bed. Three cats! Not even 1 came by to our room the entire night! Unbelievable! The 3 of them really got busy with Mars and forgot about us! It's really funny, come to think of it. They all got excited with guest, and I'll take it that it's their gesture of making the guest feels welcome. Quite endearing, eh! Apparently, Donut has taken to Mars and snuggled up with her in bed. Traitor, this one! He hasn't done that with me for a while...actually, since Fudge joined in the family.

Only Fudge came by for a short while this morning to wake me up. As soon as I opened my eyes, she busied herself with Mars again. There were no signs of the other 2... gotta love their attitude.


Fadzlon said...

They are not traitors its only making sure the guest loves them.. well Fudge is a follower, Dought is a bit chicky trying to have someone new and for Andy just to join and see..hehehe..
a bit jealous sometimes with their behaviour... Max also do the samething

The Sleeping Dragon said... are so right! Fudge really is the follower. They all are kaypos! :p I miss Max!