Friday, March 20, 2009

The littlest things... life are almost always easily taken for granted. Too caught up are we in our everyday life that sometimes, just sometimes, we forget to just pause and take a step back. We get caught up in our own little world, we forget that sometimes, just sometimes, not everything is about us. Perhaps, it has never been about us. While we get rancorous and livid at the world, we too tend to forget that the entire universe does not just revolve around us.

Too caught up are we in an insular space of frustrations that we forget. We forget to remember to enjoy the littlest things is life that make our existence that much more meaningful.

Like hearing the voice of a loved one who has been away, in the middle of the day, while you are struggling to beat the deadline; even if it was for a brief a moment.

Like coming home to a bunch of cats and it makes you feel happy and peaceful inside to just see them hanging out; even after a 14-hour work ordeal and feeling all beat up and sucked dry.

Like having a good friend who calls just to check on you if you are doing alright; even if it feels like it was unnecessary at that time.

Like having your mom texted you on your mobile just to ensure that you are not in dire straits; even if it seems like she is nagging away since you should not still be in the office at midnight and having to go home alone.

Like getting emails and messages from trusted, good old pals, bringing you nothing but joyful news and that it uplifts your spirits just hearing it straight from them; knowing full well that, no matter what, you are friends for life and that they are there for you.

Like having a really quiet moment at home in the middle of the night when the TV is not working and the only sounds you hear are that of the crickets and passing cars on the expressway.

Like knowing, somehow just knew, of friends and family far away who are probably thinking of you, from their vast physical distance.

Like having a really hyper kitten on your lap who is just relentless in trying to gnaw your fingertips away as you start typing really, really fast...leaving gibberish on your screen. And you can't help but laugh at yourself, as you pull her jaw from your aching paws while giving her a kiss on her forehead, as all she really wanted was a little attention and she'd be on her way.

I am, but blessed by these little things - all of which I'm thankful for; I would solemnly attempt and remind myself not to take it all for granted. There are other things in life worth putting up your life for...the daily miserable egotistiscal power struggle at the workplace or how others are ruining (or running) your outlook of life, are not some of them. There are better things to do than feeling all scornful and bitter.

Live and let live.


Anonymous said...

Ditto ditto n more ditto! ;)

nephos said...

You have achieved enlightenment... wise one!!!

The Sleeping Dragon said...

in retrospect, more of a heightened awareness than enlightenment from introspection that needs to be drummed in every now and then...