Thursday, March 19, 2009

Effects of stress?


P.S: Pardon the bad picture quality in trying to capture the "red spots" there. My photography skills kinda sucks.

Oklah..actually, more to "tak glam" rather than an offending one since I have got legs the size of an elephant's thigh. Those red blotches appeared out of nowhere a few days ago. I would have given the monkeys a run for their money at the rate I've been scratching away like a mad imbecile. I counted and there are altogether 17 ugly red blotches. All on both of my legs and 1 on my index finger. That's EIGHTEEN! Some are round and fat. Some are small and ovalish. They all are bumpy and itch just the same. I have no idea where they came from and I don't think it was some insect bites either. They just appeared in lumps when I got to the office and just got bigger when a few of those lumps started to merge together. It looked like hives and I had it once more than 5-6 years ago. Apparently, that was from stress. At least that was what the doctor said. But he only confirmed it after asking me if I had been rolling around on the grass. To which I said, I would probably be happier if I got to do that, but I had been in the office only for the last 18 hours and the furthest I walked to was from my desk to the toilet less than 3 metres away. I couldn't have rolled off the ground even I had wanted to, with or without grass.

Sigh...stress does the strangest things to the human body when you least expect it.


nephos said...

Definitely stress related. Stop scratching!!!

The Sleeping Dragon said...

i hope so man. it's hard to stop scratching when shiok-ness takes over! haa haa