Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Buying for Baby Checklist

Before Spud was born, a good friend of mine, Aunt Antsy,  nagged me to start shopping for a new baby for months on end because, when I was about 6 months pregnant, we still had not done jack-shit of what to buy.

Both Silver Bullet and I were so blase about the whole thing, and we did not really start panicking till I was 7 months in. And in that mode, what saved us was actually a list of essentials which Aunt Antsy shared with me at the earlier stages of my pregnancy.

Truly, I cannot thank her enough for that.

Looking back now, it was one of the most useful thing anyone could ever given us, and I thought I'll share it with you readers out there who are expecting a new born in your family. Although the list is by no means exhaustive, pick and choose to what you think are must-haves or nice-to-have.

My personal absolute basic must-haves are indicated with a **

Baby Bedding & Nursery Accessories:
Comforter/Quilt (we did away with this due to the potential suffocation hazard)
**Cot mattress sheets(s)
Diaper Stacker/Pocket
Pillow & Cradle set (we did away with this too for the same reason. Spud still does not use a pillow) 

Nursery Furniture
**Cot Bed and Mattress
**Changing Table
**Changing Cushion/Pad
**Comfortable chair for feeding/nursing
**Baby Monitor
**Chest Drawer

Infant Feeding Supplies
**High Chair (from 4-5 months onwards when baby can sit upright)
Booster seat
**Sterilizer Kit
**Bottle Brush
**Bottle Warmer
**Plastic Bottles
Extra nipples for bottles
**Breast pump set
**Nursing pads

Infant Health & Safety Products
Nursery Monitor
Air Humidifier
Nasal Aspirator
**Digital (ear) thermometer

Infant Bathing Needs
**Baby Bath Tub
**Bath Sponge
Bath Ring
Wash cloths
Safety scissors
**Nail clippers
**Basic toiletries - nappy wipes, cotton wool balls, cotton buds, a good nappy rash cream

Infant Travel Product
**Infant Car Seat
**Diaper Bag/Tote Bag
**Baby Carrier 
Portable changing mat

Infant Clothing
**Diapers (cloth - if you want to use reusables)
**Diaper (disposables)
**One-piece outfits (or called onesies)
Play wear
Soft shoes
Receiving blankets

Activity Quilt
Activity Gym
Muslin Squares
Toy chest
Hanging Mobile
Day cot
Record Book
Photo Album
Toy chest
Portable stacked-shelf

This is by no means, just a  guide and I hope you find it as useful as we did. And really, while we did not get all of the items in this list, knowing just the basic essentials  saved us quite a lot of headache in trying to figure out what to buy from scratch.

The next headache for new parents I reckon is then try to figure out the different types of monsters available within each and individual items!

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