Monday, March 12, 2012


I don't know what it is with Thailand lately as, in the last few weeks, there had seemed to be more occurrences of tragic stories reported in the news.

From deadly road accidents, to bomb explosions , to buildings on fire...I swear that I came across at least one of these tragic stories a few times a day.

Last week, 2 stories caught my eyes - one was when a Russian dad was electrocuted in a pool of a 5-star resort, and the other happened a day or two later where a hotel on Soi 22,  right-smacked in the middle of Sukhumvit caught fire, killing 2 foreigners.

The story of the Russian dad was a pretty sad one - not only was he due to leave the next day, his kid could have also been a casualty.

Negligence for safety is so rampant here in Thailand and safety, in itself is just taken for granted. 

Stories like these sent shudders down my spine...especially when I am always so paranoid about safety. I will never look at any five-star hotels and pools anywhere here in Thailand the same way again.

To readers out there, just be careful where you thread your toes. 

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