Friday, March 30, 2012

New blogger interface



Apparently blogger has this new feature for a new layout, and not knowing any better, I just randomly clicked on it out of curiosity. I did not see any previews or anything, and thinking that I want to go back to the previous interface I was familiar with, I just logged out without saving anything.

And so. I logged in again, only to be met with a completely new layout when I start a new post.


And I can't seem to go back to the older interface. When I clicked on "preview" it does not seem that the main layout of my page has changed a lot. I only noticed that the text area is now a little bit more narrower.

I also have a little bit of a hard time trying to navigate through my older posts.

Boy!oh! Boy! This sure takes a while for me to get used to. Being the technical idiot that I already am, I find this to be a pain in the ass. How bloody annoying!

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