Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Missing SG already

It only took a few minutes to miss Singapore and the entirety of its modern, civilized and efficient world the moment we set our foot back into Thailand’s soil and, into the arms of annoyingly grumpy-mr-know-it-all Bangkok’s taxi drivers. The ride home was less than pleasant as our cabbie took us for a bunch of tourists who doesn’t know our way around and nagged at us throughout the journey for not telling him the “right” location. It’s as if we don’t know where we live and as if it’s our fault that he misunderstood what we told him earlier at the airport. While we insisted on going to our right location, he kept insisting on another “right” location of where we want to go. It would only take one wrong turn to get stuck in rush-hour traffic for more than 2 hours if Silver Bullet hadn’t argued of the cabbie’s “right way”. We had a moron of a taxi driver and literally had to endure an earful of Thai gibberish and abuse as he scolded us for telling him the “wrong way” all the way home from the airport.

Times like this, I can’t help but compare how different it would be if this is Singapore. It is really so much easier to get around in good ole Singapore where people are more civilised. Thailand still has a long way to catch up. That’s why it’s always good to get out of crazy Bangkok every so often and remind myself that no matter what it sets out to be, Thailand is still a third-world country. And so, I have to adapt accordingly and be reminded once again that inefficiency and ineffectiveness is once again the norm, has to be accepted and any form of courtesy and kindness is a bonus.

1 comment:

Silver Bullet said...

As an example of how different Singapore is, when I came back to CCK on Saturday, the cabbie took a few wrong turns trying to get from the MRT to your place. When we finally got there, he apologized and told me to pay less than the meter indicated.
That only happens in Thailand when pigs fly....