Saturday, September 5, 2009


I've watched this movie thrice and I still love it. One of the best movies ever! Thinking back, I would have never picked out the movie by the title alone. When Aunt Antsy mentioned it to me before I got to know about it, I actually rolled my eye-balls, as the title struck me as a no-brainer alien invasion type of film. With the exception of Star Wars, I really do hate those type of movies. Only when I saw the DVD cover was I convinced that Apocalypto is not just what it seems. The Mayan language used in the movie was really beautiful, the gore and intensity of the cinematography are simply top-notch.

In my mind, Mel Gibson is definitely a better director than an actor. Apocalyto rates very high on my top 20.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I really couldn't do more than 2 times for this excellent movie. The cruelty was too much for my paper-thin skin. =D