Seriously, does this guy actually look like he has a good life? Pardon my ignorance of what it might signify, but apart from his smile, he appears to be rather malnourished.
If this portrays "Good Life", I'm assuming he'll have a decent house to live in, a nice car and good clothes the moment he steps out of this sampan. For now, this guy looks like he could do with a new set of clothes and trade his 20 baht flip-flops for a good pair of shoes. A "good life" would also mean that his boat would be much nicer than this.
It's almost like the advertiser is taking the piss out of this guy. It just doesn't seem ethically right.
It does not appear condescending, it's puzzling though to see the model and it's caption...!! We all grew up watching the Marlboro man... this is in stark contrast.
I think this advertisers tried to say something through this ad, but we have missed the point..!
It just doesn't seem right, does it? I was staring at it for ages before I decided to snap a pic with my mobile phone.
I did wonder too if I have missed the point. Maybe it's not as complicated as I think it is. What do you think we may have missed?
I'm thinking if the advertiser is missing the point, too...
subjective. this one though, left a bad taste in my mouth.
Hehe, finding fault with everything Nestle are we? :p.
I think it's probably something to do with the Thai wording at the bottom. Can't read it of course, but your colleagues might be able to explain.
Maybe he's a filthy rich billionaire who's just slumming??? ;)
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