I confess to be having quite the obsession with soft, silky, smooth bed sheets. This obsession began since I started earning my own pay-check. I still remember the
exitement of being able to finally choose and actually afford to buy my own bed and linen. That probably also explained the reason why it was so hard for me in those days to get out of bed before 5pm on my weekends…I simply love my bed and I’m absolutely in love with my fluffy, comfy bed sheets and pillows.
However, until we got married last year, Silver Bullet never quite understood why I have to spend, according to him “insane” amount of time and money looking for “just a bed sheet” you use only when you are unconscious. Well…that was then. Now, he is no doubt a full-fledged convert of minimum 450 thread-count bed linen as he made his own discovery into the realm of sensational plop in bed with silky, soft and smooth sheets. Until recently, that is.
That’s because, we accidentally discovered
Pasaya at 50% off retail prices that comes at a

whopping 650 thread count. The 42% cotton and 58% micro fiber combo material does offer a very silky, cool, comfortable feel I can’t even begin to describe. What surprised me most is that it’s a Thai brand and of really, really exceptional quality at really reasonable prices. Still a bit pricey if there’s no discount, but this being Thailand, they’d offer anything from 20%-50% on bed sheets at almost any time of the year! For the quality that
Pasaya has, it’s worth every damn penny! We both love the quality of this brand so much that we bought a second (still on 50% discount!), which will be used for at least another 3-4 years.
I have found my perfect brand of bed sheets and it will be very hard to convince me to look at other brands. Although... I have to admit that the 1000 thread-count of Egyptian cotton sheet is still high on my list. Only, those things are so exorbitantly expensive that I think I need to start to grow a real money tree to be able to afford and justify my purchase for that.
Till then, I'm utterly pleased with our new found love.Even the eldest resident
furball approved!
Aren't they just the best things to crawl into?????
I am saving some pennies for that 1000 TC pure Egyptian cotton sheets! You should start a little fund too and save towards that!
absolutely wonderful!
you know, not so much about the savings...it's more to the thought of having to part with so much money for this particular type of bedsheet is just too painful , despite the saving up for it. we almost, almost sucuumb to get it a few times for our wedding, but decided it was too much of crazy money. If they were to go on sale though, it won't be so bad! ;p
Just 1 to last a lifetime ...
only 1? u mean that's specific to the 1000 TC Eyptian sheets right?
just one for the life time not enough lah! :)
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