Kudos to Afghanistan for yet again fuelling hatred to the rest of the Muslims around the world with such stupid and sadistic laws. Why should Muslim women be victimised by ignorant men who still want to live in a stone-age? Keep this up, and I'm sure the love for Islam from around the globe will grow which will entice everyone to convert to this religion.
In this day and age, it is appalling that such crazy laws are imposed. Why can't we just respect and practice our believes and faiths in moderation? And I thought we human beings have evolved.
Starve already how to have sex?
Have you come across "female genital mutilation"? Its 100x worse than starvation. Search online for more info. WHO website:
people are just mad!
FGM is an African horror.. I was it on an Oprah episode. I was in school back then..!!
Afghanistan is a sorry tale. Women are treated worse than cattle there. We can do nothing but thank our stars that we were not born in Afghanistan..!
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