Monday, June 15, 2009

Where are all the smiles?

Does anyone ever smile anymore? It’s ironic that while Thailand is purported to be the land of smiles, smiles are rather scarce these days. Didn’t someone say that a smile can be infectious?

Apparently not so with this particular service person whom I encountered today. She’s this tiny, puny, little lady and works at this coffee place in my office building where I get my caffeine fix every morning. I usually get served by another friendlier lady, but today, only this little person was there. For someone so tiny, she had a frown the size of an industrial coffee machine! She was grumpy as hell and didn’t even return my smile when I said sawadee-kah. She looked like she was about to consume her customers with her “tu-lan” face and when she is done making her coffee, she just shove the cup to them. Fancy how such behavior can affect you. She almost ruined my morning with her attitude. Is it that hard to smile just a little?

Hell! Even always -grumpy-in-the-morning me would smile back at the doorman of the building who relentlessly opens the door for office workers every day, greeting them with his huge, never-give-up wide smile. He does this day in, day out, greeting and smiling away like an energizer bunny. Yet, not everyone who walks through that door smiles back at him. Sad.

I like this quote (author unknown): “If you would like to spoil the day for a grouch, give him a smile.” I guess I should start smiling myself silly! ;D


Vicky Tan said...

Have you been to Phuket lately? If looks could kill!... Felt so very unwelcomed. As if they are trying to tell you to get f..king lost. Don't know if they are only reserving their smiles for the ang mohs. I gave them the excuse that they are still probably mourning because of the tsunami. Was a very sad situation indeed.

The Sleeping Dragon said...

tsunami was looong way back...not forgotten, but not a good reason to continue sulking either. phuket's also very touristy, so, no $$$, no talk. wonder if it's only thailand that's no longer smiling though...