I first heard about it as soon as I opened my eyes this morning. And that's only because Silver Bullet had whispered "sweetly" in my ears with a "Oh, by the way, breaking news today: Micheal Jackson is dead", as he woke me up from my slumber in his usual morning routine of kissing me goodbye before he leaves for work. Since then, I've got "Heal the World" playing in my head over and over again. A song I've long forgotten. 7 hours later, the song is still in my head. Just bizarre.
Honestly, I don't know what to think of it. At one time in my life when I was a little kid, I did like Michael Jackson. Over the years, I outgrew him. All those nasty stories about him did little to rekindle my fondness for him. For a long time, I thought he's a certified cuckoo. For a long time too, I could only shook my head and roll my eyeballs each time there's a media frenzy about him and his life. For a long time, I had only felt sorry for him. He was, otherwise, a man of great talent indeed. He may be a celebrity, but like us, he was not immortal. Like us, he was only human. No amount of glory in one's lifetime can prevent anyone from a certain death. Michael Jackson, the King of Pop is certainly no exception.
One thing is for sure, the world will continue to grieve. All that's left is his legacy. A legacy that's to be remembered for a long time to come.
What pains me is what will happen in the next few days to a month or so. The untimely death of Michael Jackson will continue to grace the headlines of all news and entertainment channels. I’m not really looking forward to 24/7 coverage on Michael Jackson for days on end. I need other news feed too, please.

I am shocked.. and devastated at MJ's death..! I don't believe him to be a paedophile or whatever the world has accused him of being..!
He is a genuis and has enriched our lives by composing some really amazing music and has enthralled us for over 4 decades.. tough life.. considering he died at 50..
What's more that he has given a lot back to the society and has tried to do a lot for the betterment of humanity..! I learnt today that MJ's name is in the Guinness Book for supporting more charities than any entertainer or living personalty..! And we scorned him in return.. called him a Wacko.. :(
P.S. I also wrote a blog post for the King..! :(
Well...my post didn't mean to offend really; especially to those who really are his fans. My apologies if I did. :(
Just my opinion on crazy media frenzy...sometimes a little over the top. Can't get it around my head how they won't leave him alone when he was alive and even sad that with so many fans in the world, it seemed like he died a very lonely man. He was defenitely legendary; so many people loved him..but perhaps, only just a handful really knew him. That's ehat I found sad. And now, they are digging up everything about him all over again...creating yet another controversy for a dead person.
Again...no offence Ayyo. Just ,my perspective.
The coverage on him at the moment is a bit of an overkill and that's why I didn't post about him. He's contributed to the music industry creativity-wise but there are others who are equally deserving for their contributions in their own way.
I wasn't offended by your comment..! And I too wish that the media leaves him alone at least now..! I was just commenting generally on how we have always called him a freak and a paedophile while MJ tried to do so much for us..!
Besides, his music was so socially conscious and just by listening to his songs, one could tell that he really believed in what he was saying...!
Again, I am not offended by your post by any means.. and it was just my sense of bereavement speaking..! :)
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