Tuesday, January 6, 2009

No surprises here - TiT*!

Come new year, there's bound to be an increased number of death toll on the roads in Thailand. Drunk driving and speeding, likely simultaneously and not mutually exclusive, are key contributors to accidents in this country as reported by both The Nation and The Bangkok Post.

I suppose it's OK - since there are about 60 million Thais in this country, more than 3000 people dead will hardly make a dent to the entire population.

When will they learn that drinking and driving just do not go together! It's appaling that I actually know of colleagues who would not think twice about driving themselves and another colleague home after a hard drinking session. It's fine if they are the ones who ended up dead, but don't they ever pause and think that their actions has consequences to other people - drivers and pedestrians alike who are actually sober?

* TiT: This is Thailand

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