Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Word has it that taxi drivers are refusing to take passengers to anywhere along Ekkamai for fear of ghosts! A Thai colleague complained that she was stranded for awhile and not being able to take her cat to the vet located at Ekkamai as no cabbie would want to go anywhere near there. In the end, she had to get on a motorbike, fluff in arms and paid a hefty 150 baht (~SGD 6.25) for the 10-minutes ride to the vet, which otherwise would have costed less than 30 baht (~SGD 1.25) baht from her place. The bike had also taken a detour from where she lived and consciously avoided having to pass-through Santika, thus prolonging commuting time. It won't be surprising to hear if Thai residents of Ekkamai will now shift out of their homes pretty soon!

The only ghosts I'm seeing really is the money-grubbing kind.

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