Monday, September 20, 2010

Cards 'n Such

There has been a constant stream of gifts coming our way these past few months for Spud.; which given the occasion was not surprising at all. What surprised me though was the sheer amount of greeting cards we received via snail mail all the way from The Netherlands. Yes, paper greeting cards. In an envelope. Postal delivery.With stamps and all.

I'm amazed to discover that the culture of sending cards via snail mail is still alive! According to Silver Bullet, sending of physical cards especially to send wishes in celebration of births are being done all the time. As a matter of fact, this very culture of sending cards is STILL being practiced by many in Holland. It's just a Dutch tradition.

I never knew, of course. And, I was pleasantly surprised...especially by the sheer number of cards, all handwritten which we have  received. Thank you for all the lovely gifts, thoughts and wishes.


Kim said...

Alamak. The Dutch really puts us to shame.

I guess the writing's on the wall when the card shops in Singapore has all but dwindled in the past few years...

The Sleeping Dragon said...

hee..heee...i KNOWWWWWWWW!!! :p

the first few cards we received, i had a "who-sends-cards-anymore these-days?!" moment. And then Silver Buller look at me funny and said WE do! :p (ok, he doesn't do it himself; he has his own reasons apparently). And ur right, we have been rightly put to shame! It still is a nice and under-rated gesture.