Monday, August 2, 2010

Just peachy

I just love watching the rain from the balcony while working in the comfort of my own home these days.The sight, sound and smell of rain are all very soothing for the mind and soul.

Seeing the cats comfortably sprawled by the screen-door and trying to catch the soothing breeze from the balcony brought a smile to my face. One can't deny how at peace they are with their surroundings, with an impeccable ability to just sleep just about anywhere and everywhere they fancy.

Reminds me of a quote from one of the Cats book we have:

"Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a lot of ailments, but I never heard of one who suffered from insomnia"
- James Wood Krutch

So much truth in there, considering that I have yet to meet an insomniac feline.


Kim said...

These fellas take the word "lepak" to a whole new level don't they? =D

The Sleeping Dragon said...

exactly why I wanna be a housecat in my next life! :p