Sunday, August 22, 2010

2 weeks on

It has been a hectic and trying 2 weeks since, I’d say!

For days I’ve been trying to write a post, but with little success. I ended up with 3-4 unfinished posts, having to stop at every 3rd sentence or so, on every attempt at blogging. Each time I turn on my laptop and started writing, Spud starts to wail. Somehow, I’m convinced that Spud has adamantly refused to let me have a little laptop time. For every hour that she naps, I’d have to make a decision to either grab some winks, trying to blog, check my emails, pump up some breast milk, make time to shower or just making sure that I have a little bit of time to eat and hydrate myself before she goes on another wailing spree. Time flew by so fast, and every little time I had was spent tending to Spud and her needs when Silver Bullet’s off for work. Sleep deprivation has become a norm as we try to make sense of it all, if any at all.

It has been an uphill task for both Silver Bullet and I who hardly have had any rest since I went into labour. Hence, we were really glad for a little help when my parents decided to come by last week so we can get a breather. My mom basically spent her entire days cooking for me and tending to me; taking over the caring of Spud during the night for several days so we can get some rest. Being able to savour mom’s home-cooked food was of course a plus! It was by no means a welcome break.

They have now gone home after spending almost a week here with their grand-daughter. It is now just the 3 of us spending time together on a Sunday afternoon at home. I have no doubt that despite the distance; grandparents somehow will have a special bond with their grand-child; especially if it is their first grandchild (which also happens to be the case for Silver Bullet’s parents).

From here and on, our lives will be changed forever. My blogging will be less frequent, and given that I will be on maternity leave for the next 3 months, I reckon reporting of happenings outside of home will be minimal due to lack of external stimulus. It doesn’t mean I will stop completely; rather, I guess I am at this phase in life where things take a different turn and the content of my blog will be skewing expanding to Spud, baby stuff and parenting (or the lack of parenting skills).

The reality is such that there will be no more sleep-ins on weekends, no more of our own me-time as we try to figure out our lives…at least for a little while. It will be our learning curves for a while, as we have a very demanding "boss" who currently rules our lives.


Vicky said...

Will miss your frequent blogs ... :(

The Sleeping Dragon said...

hee...hee! Good to hear that I'm missed. Just a tad less frequent...but will still attempt to! :)