Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The cold shouler

The cats have all conspired to unceremoniously ignore me since I got back from the hospital last week. It has now been 5 days and none of the cats has made any effort to come say hi to me. They have only so far regarded me very warily, sniffing me out and appeared rather unsure of the "new" scent they seemed to have detected on me. Given the fact also that they have all been banished from our rooms when it comes to bedtime, it has to be said that the cats are  none too happy with the new, but temporary sleeping arrangements.At least, till when Spud's old enough to start annoying the crap out of them.

Fudge, especially has decided to stay away from me and has not, even once, come up to me to snuggle up as she always did before Spud's arrival. She really did keep herself well-away from me; refusing to come up to me even when I called her name while beckoning her to come. I think she really did merajuk big time.

As one of my friends put it, 'the kitties must be just all "panties in a bunch" with the new princess in the house'. She literally pulled the words right out of my mouth and described their behaviour so well.

For now, they all seemed to have lost interest in Spud. They pretty much left her alone, and when Spud starts wailing, there will be no cats in sight! Funny that.

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