Tiny but deadly.
And I thought that the box jellyfish is the most venomous of all jellyfish, until we caught an episode of "TV with Teeth" on Animal Planet which happened to feature the

This particular species of jellyfish fascinates me. For the life of me, I never knew of their existence till today! They all are so,so darn tiny that it is really hard to believe that the venom in each
Irukandji packs more than a punch. Apparently, its venom is 100 times as potent as that of a cobra, and 1000 times as potent as that of a tarantula. They will certainly make you more than dead!
A very beautiful creature indeed. So beautiful and mysterious that I think I can just stare and watch them the whole day if I ever get to it. Just look at those delicate and fancy tentacles.They literally
got me, this one, and they pique my curiosity. I really can't believe I never knew about this before!
My niece Kathy was recently stung in the face by jellies! :(
And you should see the scarring on her legs where she was stung some time ago!!! It was quite hideous.
Hope her face won't be scarred.
I don't think it was by the same kind in your blog tho'.
yikes! in the face...gotta hurt! :( One of my colleague got stung recently..she showed me the after effect..and it was BAD!
This Irukandji..u don't wanna mess with.
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