Sunday, April 4, 2010

Straight from source

My love for chai tea, and not being able to find them as easily in this country has caused me some serious grief. Of course, I can always make some home-made ones, and, I have made them myself on several occasions. However, I do find it tedious, especially if I have to make it quite often, just  because I love it so much. Isn’t it more convenient to just get the ready- made ones from the supermarket, anyways?

My incessant gripes about not seeing my brand of chai tea on the shelves anymore each time we do our grocery shopping must have been quite an earful to Silver Bullet. He must have sensed my disappointment and on his last trip to India, he surprised me with a bagful of these:

He presented them to me, full of glee and looking so proud of himself that he found THE authentic chai tea straight from its original source! Ahhh…bless my husband and making me fall in love all over again. (On the hindsight though, I guess it’s just his way to shut me up for a while. After all, I DID let out an earful about stuff going off the shelves as soon as there’s an indication that it’s something I really like)

There and then, he then remarked that he thought it’d be a good idea that he’ll buy more on his next trip up, which happened to be just a week ago.  At least, it gives us a chance to stock up a few more of those if I really do like the taste of it.

Love the taste to hell, I did; especially the Green Chai Tea. But, just as luck would have it for me, I received a call from him while he was trying to buy more of the tea. It turned out that they no longer have any Green Chai Tea on the shelves, and he just HAD to call to tell me just exactly that. Figures, right. We had a good laugh about it. As Silver Bullet puts it, my curse has indeed gone cross-borders now.


Vicky said...

Poor Silver Bullet! Aiyah! Next time must buy 1 whole carton lah! ;)

The Sleeping Dragon said...

What are the chances of buyign the whole carton the first time and I don;t like it? :p