Friday, April 2, 2010

"Red" Bangkok cabbie

I was taken aback a little when I jumped into a cab to get home a few days ago. As I got in, it seemed like the taxi driver was blasting some speeches from the rally on his radio. It sounded quite aggressive and it was loud! He tried to be friendly while I sat uncomfortably at the back, and asked if I am Japanese. To that I said "no” in Thai, and told him where I hailed from. I don’t know where the relation was, but immediately he said “I si daeng” while pointing to his red scarf to me underneath his collar and sang out loud that he loves The Square Face. I just said “ok” stoically,

I was thinking whatever it is dude, just don’t drag me in. and I immediately turned my attention to my phone. It is, essentially, the best trick to get out of an awkward situation. He didn’t press it, but I’m sure if I entertained a little, he would blabbed his mouth off about being a red and supporting the ex-Prime Minister…a position I don’t wish to get myself into while this country is in the middle of a political turmoil.As if life is not complicated enough.

Strangely, that small incident was enough to spark off a flickering light-bulb in my head to consciously remind myself not to wear red or yellow when I leave the house till this country sorts itself out!

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