Monday, April 26, 2010

Jogjakarta: Random (Rip-Offs)

We decided to watch the Ramayana plays on one of the nights, and tourist being tourist, we naturally cannot escape the potential rip-offs that usually comes with such cultural shows. It's not so much of the show itself, rather the establishment basically forced us to have an "authentic Indonesian" buffet dinner which was packaged together with the impending show.

Authentic Indonesian buffet it was not. Basically, food there was terrible. But having paid for it, we just had to grit our teeth and could only look forward to the show. Meantime, while having dinner, the cultural establishment had kindly provided some authentic Indonesian music called Gamelan to entertain us throughout the entire dinner service. Now, I'm not sure if you know what the music really is, but being exposed to it for hours on end can be rather nerve-wrecking for the ears.

Performed by a bunch of veterans as showcased above, I had to let out a loud guffaw when Silver Bullet suddenly commented:
" I bet you we would be able to get a full set of teeth from all of the men combined!"

I have no idea where that came from, but it was funny as hell, especially if you had noticedhow old these veterans really are. One can see the number of teeth were visible when they smile with their mouths open. I still laugh to bits whenever I think about it!

Sometime earlier in the day, we also got ripped-off at some park by some crazy lady who said she knows things because (quote unquote) she meditates all the time, she talks to goddesses and she is goddess. She basically just sprang up on us when all we wanted to do was asked for directions. She immediately left the people she was talking to initially, held my hand and then took us around in a circle (literally!). She then had the nerve to asked for a fee to be paid to her for her 10 minutes of yakking and showing us nonsensical stuff that was made up of her own imagination. She had this crazy look with her dyed-red hair, pretty crossed-eyed and, if you were to ask me, she doesn't seem right in the head...

After being royally ripped-off and walking several meters away and out of her sight, Silver Bullet spontaneously mimicked her actions which resulted with me bursting out into hysterical laughter, accompanied by tears no less! It was so gut-wrenchingly funny that I made him repeated his act once again for me to take a picture of the silly face while we tried so hard to swallow the rip-off "authentic" Indonesia buffet that was served before the show:

I just realised my husband has never looked so glorious before this! :p

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