Monday, February 22, 2010

Silly me

I did something silly a few days ago and subconsciously, I’m still trying to get over it. (and by golly! I still can't let go!)

It was simply a silly, silly, silly oversight on my part when I bought a product I needed online. Only after checking out and confirming my payment that I realized I have failed to double check that I have paid for an express shipping charge which, get this: cost more than the product itself.

It was obviously too late to retract my payment when I realized what I have done. I swear I wanted to slap myself purple! I could have gotten 2 of the same product and e-bayed it later! Or, I could also have checked other sites which may have offered a cheaper shipping charge! Of course, being a scatter-brain that I am, I did none of those.

When I lamented to Silver Bullet, all he could do was give me a wide-eyed “have you gone mental” look. Mind you, the product did cost me quite a bit as it is something which I haven’t seen at any retail stores just yet. And I do have a need it. Good that Silver Bullet did not nag me endlessly for it as I already felt quite bad about spending the unnecessary money, just because of my stooopid oversight!

Reminds me of an incident, years back when I bought a pair of boots in Hong Kong. Again, a silly oversight on my part where I simply miscalculated the exchange rate, thinking that the boots only cost me less than SGD 80 dollars per pair. So I bought TWO pairs (of different designs). When I realized, it was too late for I spent more than SGD 250 for one blardy pair. How I got to the final numbers, I don’t know. The calculator I had in my head must have gone kaput then. It took me several months to pay off the darn boots and I could only wear it once or twice because they killed my feet! I never truly forgave myself for it.

I really can be such a moron sometimes.

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