Monday, February 22, 2010

The kaypo one

She may not like me all that much, but I still find her rather cute all the same as she attempted to read my letters for me upside down. Or was she?

But of course, who am I kidding, right. She's just a cat and doesn't really hide her dislike for me. Andy being Andy, she was just being her kaypo self and she was purposely trying to annoy me by spreading eagle on my stack of papers! She can't help herself but bite me when I tried to shift her paws a little so I could read.

An endearing sight which left me chuckling to myself, nevertheless.
For a second, I almost believed that she, for once, actually tried to be nice and do something noble for me. :p


Kim said...

I think you misunderstood her. She WAS trying to help. By being an organic paperweight. She thought you were trying to mess with her efforts when you tried to shift her paws. =D I love this FURBALL even though I'm not her favorite visitor!

The Sleeping Dragon said...

and everybody sides with her...sigh! :p I can never win! ;/ hee..hee!!