Monday, November 9, 2009

Of flies and rotten meat

Silver Bullet had the nastiest surprise when he walked to his car to go to work this morning. Apparently, he was promptly assaulted by the stench of rotting meat the moment he got into the driver's seat. When he opened the trunk of his car to investigate, he was greeted by swarms of flies and the worst smell ever that came from the once-very-fresh plastic bag of chicken legs when we did our grocery shopping last weekend.

For some reason unbeknownst to us, we both did not realise that a bag of fresh chicken meat had been accidentally left behind; and so left to rot for almost 2 full days! I cannot, cannot imagine for the life of me how bad the smell would be, but I am pretty sure whatever the smell was, it would probably knocked the life out of me had I been there. When Silver Bullet told me about that this morning over messenger, all I could do besides asking if he took some pics so I can put up the evidence here, was say 'eeeeeeeeeeks and oh-dear, oh dear' over and over. Needless to say, taking any pictures was probably the last thing on his mind as he proceeded to bug-bomb and febreezed the car.

Even after all the onslaught of Febreeze, Lysol, vinegar and coffee grinds, the stench still lingers when I went over to help Silver Bullet sniff out those stench 10 hours later. I cannot imagine how he managed to drive to work without passing out from the fumigating smell!

This might sound bad considering I had a part to play too for forgetting to check the trunk, but I am so glad I'm not the one who discovered it. Had I been the discoverer, chances are, I'll never look at chicken the same way ever again, and I might just lay off chicken for good.

One thing is for sure, I will not be hitching a ride with Silver Bullet these few days. Not until after the stench has all gone away or I swear he won't appreciate it if he has to clean up after my puke too!

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