After abnout 40 minutes of baking, it overflowed and finally sank... |:'(
So my story goes at my almost successful attempt of baking a chiffon cake. The bottom half turned out half-baked, so I had to cut-off that bit and then decided to salvage the top half of the cake which looked soft, fluffy and quite edible. The taste was there, but presentation wise? Big, fat red cross. F.A.I.L.
Look closely at the picture above and you can see the moist, half-baked bit at the bottom. So in the end, after cutting off that bit, my chiffon cake was only about 5cm wide! It was still edible, but I had to laugh. Who am I kidding right? It wasn't almost successful, it was, in fact an unsuccessful attempt!
The result, however, did not dampen by enthusiasm. I'll definitely have a go at this again next time!
Nevermind lah! Look at the bright side ... Half is better than none! ;)
haa haa! i ohso say! ;D
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