Friday, July 10, 2009

False Impression

The sucker in me was gullible enough to be enticed by the "Best Archer novel for some years" print on the book. That was enough a reason for me to decide if I should buy it. After all, it's Jeffrey Archer and his books are almost always rivetingly superb. It took me a couple of days to mull over what I have read to decide if I like this book. The answer is: not quite entirely. Don't get me wrong, it is still a good book and Jeffrey Archer's style is definitely stamped all over it. However, it just didn't capture me like the way "Not a Penny More, Not A Penny Less" and "Kane & Abel" did. Those two books are just Discovery Channel's version of "The World is Awesome" awesome...but I digress.

False Impression seems a little light-weight in plot as compared to the two I've mentioned above. I also think the other reason I don't quite like it, is perhaps, I'm just a little bias with that little prose on Sept 11. In my opinion, that's another case of OTT with way too much coverage that just goes on and on and on.

This book doesn't really rate too high on my list, but I'm still gonna read his other books when I get my hands on them. Time for another trip to the nearest bookstore soon. :D


Ayyappan said...

OMG!! I read the same book 15 days ago! I too, was gullible enough to fall for the "Best Archer Novel" thingy! It surely falls very low in my list of favourite Archer books for sure!!

Can I recommend you a read? Read "The Boy in Striped Pyjamas"
It is beautiful..!

The Sleeping Dragon said...

haa haa! i thought I saw "15YEARS ago"...and started wondering abt the 9/11 prose on the book which is almost impossible. Then i re-read and noticed you actually said "days"! Duh! Don't ask me why I saw "years" knack for speed-reading sometimes gets the better of me. :)

Read the link you sent...and sounds interesting!! :D

The sypnopsis you wrote reminds me of the movie La vita è bella (Life is Beautiful)- also about those "guys in stripes". It is such a beautiful movie and highly recommended if you ever get your hands on that movie.

Ayyappan said...

I have seen Life is beautiful...! And I have seen it 4-5 times.. and it's my habit to recommend it to most people I discuss movies with..!
Watch Grave of the Fireflies. It is a Japanese movie and is also based on WWII. I'd rate it a notch above or below Life is Beautiful. :)

The Sleeping Dragon said...

ahhh! Pardon my ignorance...4-5x, u must really loved it. I've watched it 3x and don;t mind wathcing it again. It still is one hell of an awesome movie.

haven't heard that one though...being movie-buffs and always open for recommendations, that's definitely one to look out for. :) thanks!!

Ayyappan said...

To tell you more about the movie, Grave of the Fireflies (Hotaru no Haka) is a 1988 animated movie. It is considered to be one of the most anti-war films ever made..!
Tell me how it was.. :)

nephos said...

Archer used to be one of my fav authors. I used to read whichever book of his I could get my hands on. I agree that "Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less" and "Kane & Abel" were great books but after awhile his books tend to get a bit mundane. I've stopped reading this books. I'm a sucker too! I pre-ordered Dan Brown's new book that will be released in September 2009 because of the marketing poster I saw in Border's.

The Sleeping Dragon said...

I haven't given up on Archer yet..will try a few moe. apparently his short stories are pretty good. Hope your Dan Brown's new book is worth it! Quite sad when they start good, then lose steam...

nephos said...

I will update you in September 09. Haha!!! I haven't collected the book yet. Its release date is the 15th.