Saturday, July 20, 2013


It’s the Summer break at this time of the year. With that, Spud has been enrolled in a Summer School which doesn’t start till 9 am while I usually start my day at the office by 8.15 am after the usual dropping Spud off at school.

As it was too early to be dropping her off, I have been taking Spud to the office with me first. (I tried on the first day – we got to her school before 8 and there wasn’t a soul around till after 8.30 am!)

I think Spud loves her morning with me at the office. She sits at my big desk (it's not big-big, but big enough for a tot her size!), she enjoys pulling the little chair to sit right next to me when I set up for the morning and she gets to play with all of my stationery. She hummed a tune, ate my leftover snacks I left on the table, made sure she used each and every one of the various coloured pens and markers I owned, and then scribbled and drew on recycled paper I provided her.

On her very first day at my office, she produced a piece of art which she proclaimed to be drawing of Dinasours. She was very proud of it, and she was all smiles and laughs when she told me what she was doing.

Spud's "Dinosaurs"
No one is usually around in the office at the time we are in, and on one of the days, I wanted to show Spud the wonder of paper shredder and photocopying machine. Big mistake - she hated the sound of them, thought that they were big and scary and noisy and refused to go anywhere near them!

Instead, she retreated back to my desk and was happy again to be able to scribble, drink her 20 baht orange juice which I got her from the street, ate my snacks and helped herself to my colourful pens and markers.

I really love a child’s imagination and its simplicity.

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