I have been doing the above for each individual type of food which is a bit annoying, but at least I get to mix and match them as and when I feel like it, and to also provide Spud with some sort of variety. The kind o ffood she gets for the day depends on my mood.
Our freezer is currently quite full with all the frozen food I made for her...but one thing for sure, there is this sense of satisfaction to be able to feed Spud with something I make myself.
Now that Spud's eating 3 square meals a day plus snack time in between, I have been more experimental with the type of food I prepared for her. I cannot wait for her to start eating the same thing as we do!
The oldies would say cold stuff not good for babies leh??
Uhm...actually, we heat it up in the microwave before feeding her. ;D Freezing it actually keeps the food fresh, and only use what's needed. or did u mean like "cold & heaty" food?
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